
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open


We have a number of very young oak trees which all have a fungus on the leaf. Parts of the garden have been very waterlogged this summer, however, it seems to be on all the trees, even those in a well-drained location. There is a fungal (mushroomy) smell from the leaf. Should I treat this?

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why should the leaves be falling off my acer palmatum

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Hi Gerry i have 5 hanging strawberry plants in my garden my question is do i live them outside or in the garage. Thanks PAUL

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because my garden is brand new I wont be sowing any veg until the spring but I wanted to have lettuce variety over the winter. sowed couple of varieties of spinach and lettuce 2 weeks ago in flat boxes of seed compost and have them in a sunroom at around 19/20 degrees. seeds have germinated but seedlings dont seem to be growing much and very spindly and not upright (look like they are falling over!) but soil looks moist so cant be under watered. am I too impatient or how long should I expect seedlings to start thriving? do I have to thin them if Im growing them in the boxes for cut and come again? or can I just leave them and wait...?

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I planted an eccallonia hedge from one litre pots one week ago. When planting I added some fertilizer and compost to the ground. However after the weekend rain most of the plants have lost their leaves or their leaves are brown. Is this due to the fertilizer. Will these plants recover or will i have to replace them?

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do I have to plant my Japanese Blood Grass in ericacious soil? Is it similar to the Rhododendron in it's needs

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