
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open


the only time my pampas flowered was after i buried my deceased cat beside it! either it was the tear jerking ceremony and prayers or do i need blood and bone meal fertiliser?

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Hi Gerry, I grew a Mondia whitei from seed and have a specimen outdoors though it has put on very little growth this year, its second year. I got the seeds from Chiltern seed. I also have a specimen in a sunroom which is west facing and is full of leaves but no flowers at all though I have been feeding it regulary. It is full of greenfly. I don't use pesticides as a rule but have tried almost everything to no avail. I now have the base of the plant indoors but the rest of it outdoors through an open window. This seems to be controlling the greenfly but I am in a quandary. Do I keep trying or give up

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Hi, I'm looking for some help please! I have a large mature garden but there are just a few areas which receive the sun for the whole day, but my main limitation is that we will be extending our house and don't know exactly how this will affect our garden yet. I will be receiving some bearded iris bulbs soon and feel it may be best to plant them in a container for next years' flowering, until I know where they can permanently reside in the future -around this time next year. I was thinking of building (well my husband will be doing that bit!) something like a raised bed, (??) but I don't know how deep the roots grow to know what depth of soil it needs to be able to hold? If you can advise me it will be great! Kind Regards, Hannah

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My 5 yr old Clematis (Armandi ?) is groing a bit too well on my back garden wall (South facing and approx 8 ft tall).I planted it to hide the unsightly plain block wall. I "pruned" it earlier this Spring ( ie I took the clippers to it because it had grown so rampantly and it was too large and time consuming to prune with a pruning shears. It has not flowered this year, understandibly. Must I prune only with a pruners? and when should I tidy it up again ?

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My newly purchased house site sits on a flat square site 90m*90m approx. About 3/4 of this was used as cattle grazing up to 6 weeks ago. I want to start with approx 1/2 acre behind the house to turn it into a lawn. Do I need to kill/spray the grass that is there before I rotovate it. I am a new to creating a lawn and don't really know where to start. I would appreciate any guidance.

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I have a single Apple Tree "James Grieve" which I planted 3 years ago. This year there is a fair number of large fruit- We have had 2 or 3 windfalls in the past week (1st week Sept). The fruit is very firm to hard and lacks any sense of 'sweetness'- There would appear to be no blemishes on any of the fruit and only small streaks of red.How much longer should we leave the remaining fruit on the tree before harvesting-or if picked does the ripening/sweetening continue or cease ?

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