
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

Do you have any idea where I can buy pea straw? I have been sent a link from Gardening Australia which shows a method for growing spuds which uses pea straw amongst other things, but I can't figure out where to buy it in Ireland. No one seems to mention it.It is commonly used in Australia for many things.I appreicate your time and help.
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If slugs pellets are placed on top of vegetables or one cm away is this dangerous for the plant or to humans who will eat this plant. Doff Slug Pellets are the one that we used
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I used an organic bug spray from Tesco (contains 20g/l natural fatty acids and HEXAHYDRO-1,3,5-TRIS(2-HYDROXY-ETHYL)-SYM-TRIAZINE) on parsley, thyme and other herbs that I have growing on my balcony. They were covered in greenfly. Would it be ok to eat these herbs within a few weeks?
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whats the best way to keep slugs away from my vegeatbles?
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I have a variety of cabbage, cauliflower, kohlrabi growing but they are succumbing to some kind of worm, I think they are cutworms but they are very small and white like tiny maggots. Any description I see of cutworms mentions one or two but there seems to be 4 or 5 per plant. is there a simple way to get rid of them? They are destroying all plants in their path.
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I was just wondering if there are any weedkillers out there that can be used on an organic allotment. if not what is the closest to organic available. We went away for 2 weeks and things have been completely swamped. Thanks michael
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