
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open


My Plum Tree seems to have some sort of disease, towards the end of July, there seemed to be a lot of flies and wasps on the leaves, now all the leaves have little holes in them, the fruit have slits on them and there are flies and wasps eating them. Overall the tree looks unhealthy with the leaves wilting now.Also the beech hedge seem to be full of little white flies, and some leaves looked very black and dead now. What can I do.

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We have bought an old school house with tall conifers on either side of the house. I sprayed the driveway with Hytrol for weeds and now it looks as though the tree nearest to it (about five feet away) has been affected... it has yellowing of the base of the leaves. Is it possible I am to blame for this? I am most concerned as these trees are at least 70 years old and 70ft in height! Is there anything I can do about it?Lilian

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Hi Gerry, My 75sq m garden is 4 feet below the level of my patio area: there's a retaining wall at the end of the patio... and a 4 foot drop to grass. many Thanks Bill

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Hi Gerry, I noticed earlier in the week the damsons are starting to ripen, but some of them seem to have what looks like rust spots - could this be the brown rot - or do i need to do a little more investigating of the damsons?The trees were in the garden when we moved in 5 years ago and last year there was a bumper crop, this year there is a lot of fruit on the trees, but i am worried about the brown patches on them.If it is - what do i have to do at this stage?Kind Regards ,Lorraine Keely

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I live in an old house and would like to plant a wisteria at the front of it- but wonder how invasive would the root system be? Like many old houses there are no foundations and I have had to put in drainage 3m out from the walls,

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Hi Gerry, I have a laurel hedge along the front wall of my house. Its 30ft long and planted two years. In the past week the leaves are turing, at the top of the plant working its way down through it. I dont think it is water logged as I have checked. I would be grateful for your opinion.

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