
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open


Our tree which is well established has turned brown and appears to be dying from bottom to top ie. turning brown with a sticky syubstance oozing through the bark. A clematis that we had planted this spring to grow up it also seems to be dying ie leaves growing then dying back.I think it might be a fungus. Is this probably correct? If so, can it be treated or should I cut it down and remove it?

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I have a very large area of lawn - almost two acres in a limestone area - which I have just had cleared of briars and ferns. Five years ago it was rich green grass but I let it go wild due to illness and now with the briars and ferns cut it is very bare. Will the grass grow back naturally - I'm too old to re-seed it - and what fertilizer will help this. Is fertilizer high in Phosphorous and Potassium such as 7/6/17 or even 0/7/30 a good type to use.

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I planted cordyline 'Red Star' which had been growing well in a container for a couple of years, into open ground, this summer. I notice now that it has sprouted from ground level, and I am wondering if this will affect the main crown? It looks okay at the moment, maybe slightly discoloured in the lower leaves. Should I feed it or leave it alone?

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I would like to grow a Swedish birch in a corner of my garden that is quite windy. I have clay soil and the drainage isn't great, although it wouldn't really get waterlogged. Do you think it will survive-I have already lost an Acer Griseum in the same spot!

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Gerry, I am at present growing lupins from seed when is it safe to remove to plant in the garden?

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Gerry, I have a good quantity of (old) stable manure. My beds are pretty mature, now, with plants growing into/against each other, leaving no space for manure to be put in between. Is there a handy way of getting manure to the plants (perhaps mixing with water to make a slurry and pour it out)?

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