
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open


i spend a lot of time cleaning moss between patio bricks. I wanted to use a chemical spray, but was told that sprays stain the bricks. Do you know if this is true, or what would you suggest?

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I have a beautiful peony (think it's a tree peony) and I want to move it to a better position in garden. How and when do I do this?

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I recently acquired some lupin seed pods. Please advise re planting/caring etc. Do I have to open the pod and sow the seeds individually, or just sow the pod as a whole? Many thanks. Robin

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The leaves on some of my loganberries are shrivelled and yellowing. The berries are hard and not ripening. The remainder of the plants are ok but cropping poorly.Any ideas what might be causing it?

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Hi GerryWhen in Bloom this year I noticed a black bamboo in one of the show gardens. It had been stripped of leaves from the ground to about 4 ft up. It looked very attractive.I would like to do the same with my bamboo at home but wonder if it is advisable.My bamboo is about 8 ft high and planted in an area where its roots are restricted from spreading by a surround of roof slate embedded around it in the soil. It seems quite healthy so I adopt an attitude of laisser-faire. Thanks for your advice.

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hi gerry my maincrop potatoes have devoloped blight despite 2 sprays of dithanei have first noticed them about 3 weeks agocan i eat them?funnily enough my earlies seem ok so far despite being quite near them

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