
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open


I have an Escallonia which may be Slieve Donard variety, it has weeping pendulous branches with red blossoms and differs from the usual hedging variety. How should it be pruned to make it more bushy and should the 'weeping' branches be supported? How high might it grow? (presently about 3 ft.)

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Hi Gerry, I have a small lawn (4m x 6m) which I am preparing for reseeding with westlands dwarf ryegrass. The old lawn was pH neutral but had died off in parts and had some weeds, wild grass and moss. I rotovated it 2 days ago but did not spray round-up before hand. It is sorrounded by trees (12ft) at the edges. I have removed all the broken up sod, large stones and roots but the soil is still very compacted and dry. Should I rotovate it again and even spray it? Also should I add top soil before I sow as I have westlands lawn fertiliser to add? Thanks, Ann

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Dear Gerry, I have moved a very tall tree from one place to another in my garden. i am wondering if there is any thing that i can do or use to help it from not dying? i have packed earth and compost around it.

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GerryI have a garden on a slope front to back. if you check my profile, i have some photo's to show the extent of the slope. the garden is 5 years old, Not much done to it but have this with my veg plot. Also my son uses a walker sometimes wheelchair. i looking for help for ideas for him making parts more accessable. can you point me in the right direction for idea's, books website or designers. Regards Jerry

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Hi Gerry! Moving into our new house in a housing estate soon. Back garden is small - 15metres in width & 9 metres in depth. A 2-storey house is very close on one side of the back wall & we need tall trees or high shrubs to screen it off. Using a ladder to help determine height of screening needed, we think we need 13 ft. in height & a total width of 7 metres to do the job. I suppose that we need to go for mature trees. I guess that evergreens are the only way to get that screening 365 days of the year. Or is putting trellis on top of the back wall & covering with fast growing climbers an option? We are prepared to pay whatever it costs - within reason. Your advice & help on this one would be much appreciated! Many thanks!

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I have a lilac tree about 10 yrs old. It started to lean over but was stopped falling by a coal bunker. The bark at the bottom of the trunk has lifted all the way around. We supported it up again and watered well - but the leaves have all withered and it looks dead. This happened just after it was in flower.

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