
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open


Gerry I have a paeonia which produces buds and for the past two years only one bud flowers. Can you tell me why. Thanks

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hi Gerry, I planted dogwoods last May this year and I'd like to ask when it is the best time to prune them to make it spectacular during winter. I need help please. Thanks and hope to hear from you. Kind regards.

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I know around November is the ideal time to move roses but my friend is moving house and will be gone by July. She has a beautiful yellow rose she cannot leave behind. If she moves it now by digging with minimum disturbance to root, should she cut it back first ? and what are the consequences of moving roses at wrong time of year. Will it just not flower well next year or could it die ?

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I am in the process of creating a wildlife garden pond. Rough dimensions are 60ftx30ft with average depth of 4ft. I want to be as enviromentally friendly as possible and would like to avoid additional energy use (electricity for pump for water circulation and filtering). Is it possible to do this without the water becomming stagnant and preventing the growth of algae - could bales of straw do the trick? Are there any other ways I could deal with with water circulation such as tap water from well or rainwater diverted from roof? Any advice appreciated.

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This year I grew Nasturtiums having grown them previously from seed. I sowed approx thirty plants which all came up.My question is, in recent days/past week or so, I noticed that some of my plants are appearing to look a little weak and near their end, as you'd see in Autumn. While they have flowered, and contain many buds to sprout, the leaves are becomming yellowish and droppy. Its particularly happening to my ones in the baskets and window boxes.My neighbour's look similar, some of which are in the ground however. Of the ones showing these symptoms, the seeds have formed following the dead flowers. While some of the plants have aphids which you answered yesterday, and I did spray for, Im a little confused. Considering we are apparently in Summer, I thought these should last another month or more...The picture is of particular plant...ThanksDarren

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I have a blackthorn hedge which did have birds nesting in it up to now. Is it safe to clip the hedge now?Have all fledglings flown by now or do some birds hatch later in the summer? Thank you !

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