
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open


Hi Gerry, I seeded a new lawn last summer and have a problem with docks in the lawn since. I've kept the lawn well mown this summer but still they thrive. Is spot spraying with roundup the best solution here ?

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Hi Gerry,We have recently bought the Flymo Pac a Shredder 2500. What a great piece of kit! My question lies with Phormium leaves. Does anyone know whether it is able to shred them? In the past our lawnmower has had to make a trip or two to the mower hospital when it got in contact with a formium leaf, do to its stringy make up. We are playing it safe at the moment and not putting them through it but it would be great if we couldLooking forward to hearing from you.Japonica

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I have a wooded area in my garden which was overgrown and I have just cleared. I plan to plant crocus, bluebell and snowdrops but need some inspiration for summer interest. What else can I plant which will give color in the shade ?

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I am currently working on establishing the main structure of my garden. One large bed is north-facing and I would be very grateful if you could advice me on suitable plants, mainly structural evergreen plants, around 3ft in height (Max)to form my foundation. I am very keen on perennials but want to start with some structure before I plant any perennials.

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Hi Gerry,Darren here again. I emailed you recently regarding bulbs.I have another question if you could answer and possibly include in the magazine? However, Id like a a reply before waiting next issue or my plants will be gone :-)I'm 25 and have been gardening for over 13 years. This year is my first year to encounter such strange, if not new, garden flies. They are similar to green fly but very black/darky purple and have taken a liking to my nasturshams and Canary Creeper in particular. I have tried spraying them with insecticide but they still appear unchanged once dry.While I am familar with black fly, these seem to be different and only attracted to the above two plants. They tend to gather in circled groups too on the under base of the nastursham leaves. And if I squeeze them, I get a redish blood like stain on my hands. Can you help as they are eating my plants... I attached photo..ThanksDarren

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This was planted in our heavy clay soil (which is gradually being improved with grit, farmyard manure and our own compost) in February 2004. It has been doing very well since, flowering well this year and now covering the roof of the shed. But it seems to be dying and there are no new young shoots. It is not entirely dead: when I scraped a tiny part of an area close to the base it was green not brown. I have started to but back all the dead part in the hope that it will revive but I would love to know what I have done wrong. How on earth could anyone kill a clematis montana rubens?

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