
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open


Hi Gerry, i laid decorative gravel on top of weed proof fabric which covers soil about 18 months ago. I am finding that with wet weather and footfall (last year!) water is pooling in the gravel and some areas are sinking underfoot. Should I have put hardcore on soil first and compacted it before the weed proof fabric and gravel was put down ? A pic of garden under construction is on my profile. Go raibh mile maith agat

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I have 2 lilac tree's in pots that need planting out, where would be the best place to plant them, ideally i would love them to be in the front garden

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I have ants in my greenhouse, I grow tomatoes, basil, aubergines, peppers and grapes. Will they cause any problem and if so how do I solve the problem?

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I believe April after flowering is the best time to prune acacia dealbata. Can I prune now or is it better to wait until next year? Many thanks for your help.

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I have a lilac tree given to me as a slip some 30 years ago and my children would like to take slips from it. When and how should take them? Soft or hard cuttings? Hope you can help? .

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Hi Gerry, I seeded a new lawn a month ago, but as yet no grass, loads of weeds but no grass. I have watered it well. should i sow more grass seed? Thank u Evelyn

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