
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open


Trying to trace Polygala Myrtitolia to buy? We bought in Cornwall last year but unfortunately lost it during the winter. Can you suggest any Irish nursery to try? Also the Climber Mandville. many Thanks. Eilis

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I bought a plant of Liriope Muscari about two years and it just deteriorated in ordinary soil, so I dug it up and potted it in ericaceous compost, but it is literally hanging on by a thread. It is a golden leaved variety. Why won't it thrive? I thought it was an easy plant!

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Looking to plant flowers/hedges/plants this summer around a footpath, suffer from hayfever, but would like to know what are the best ones to plant. Preferably I would like something that stay planted all year round, low maintenance, and something that doesn't grow that high.

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Hi Gerry, I got a new grass put down about 2 months ago and it's growing really well apart from in the parts where my dog pee's. He has totally killed off the grass in these spots Any advise on how to prevent this happening or revitilising the lawn.Thanks Ger

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Fed all fruit trees with potash in March but8 year old pear tree that bore over 300 pears last year and 6 year old peach tree bore 6 fruit last year have now dropped all fruit this year. What can I do now to prevent this happening again (or is it weather related - I don't think this is frost damage)

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HelloMy natural pond has become invaded with tiny black maggotts shaped like a clove but smaller, i tip them out but they multiply, would goldfish eat them or would they eat the goldfish

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