
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open


I've cut down an old sycamore tree. How do I get rid of the roots? I'm afraid to pull them out in case they are too extensive and undermine the garage or garden wall

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i would like to know what flowers i can plant that will grow year after year without having to plant them again. Also what can I plant in my flowers beds etc that will grow/flower throughout the year?

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I would love to grow Virgina Creeper or Boston Ivy on my Garage wall, but I am reading on some web sites that they may damage the wall itself, seems this is more the case for Boston Ivy....Other sites then seem to contradict this.Have u experienced this..? thanks

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planted tree mallow last year.grew and flowered very well. pruned it this springnto within 1 foot of base. had to saw through thick woody stems. new buds appeared but now are wilting. i mulched with farmyard manure when it began to wilt and continue to feed it. I water it most nights. the new stems, about an inch long are still wilting. can i do any more ao have i killed it?

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Something has eaten all the leaves off my gooseberries. I have checked for sawfly but cannot see anything on the few remaining leaves (which are at the very base of one bush, the other is completely denuded). Any ideas? I thought maybe birds but no other plants seem to be affected. Thanks.

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Hi Gerry, In recent years my copper beech hedge (which was planted in 1998) has had some greenfly but I've never been worried enough to spray. However this year the hedge and my next door neighbours green beech are alive with greenfly, just wondering should i spray and what to spray with...thanks, Paschal

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