
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open


Gerry, We have a new hedge on an open, windy site. We sowed Escallonia last September & it's now beginning to flower & look good. We've been told we should prune it now to strengthen it for next year. Is that true? Thanks for your help.

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We have major problem with Midges. We live next to a forrest with a stream running through our garden. We are thinking of trying to introduce bats as an natural predator. How do we go about this, and what are the pit falls, to having bats if we were successful. Is there other natural predators that would be equally beneficial. thank you.

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Should I divide a large Clivia? Bloomed well but has baby plants at the base ..Thought I read somewhere that they like to be pot-bound?

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I have some wallflowers which are coming to the end of their flowering season, will they come back next year or should I dig them up and put in some summer bedding for colour. I have daffodils sown behind them.

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Gerry, where can grape vines be bought in Ireland, preferably in Limerick /Munster region?

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I Want To Create An Circular Flower Bed In A Lawn Which Measures 163ft By 69ft. Any Advice On This Wound Be Welcome.

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