
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open


Hi Gerry, i purchased a tree at the new Lifestyle garden center at Clarenbridge Co Galway i liked it at now its my garden, now my question is could you tell me about it. The name is Acer Spaethii, its under leaves are of a puplish colour top is green a good tree for near sea areas i would like to know more about it and could not see it on here either many thanks Gerry. Regards Bryan

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I have tried four times to grow an embothrium from a rooted cutting. The new leaves come fine but soon become yellow and drop off. The whole thing never gets that healthy vigour. Mostly I do them in multi purpose compost, and have tried the greenhouse, outside, and now in a cool hallway. What conditions should an embothrium have?

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mature treeslike varigated popular and mature shrubs are dying.I lose 5 or 6 each year in different parts of the gardens. Drainage is good, it must be some disease i feel ??

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can you use the ash from a wood pellet home heating system as a source of potash to soft fruit and apple trees.

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How soon after spraying with Brushkiller can i put down mypex and begin planting winter heathers ?

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Hi Gerry, Our neighbour's cat cannot leave our Golden Willow alone and has scratched the bark very badly, it is quite a young tree, only in it's third year and I'm really worried that it will damage the tree. I've discussed this (gently) with the neighbour, but she swears that this scratching will only enhance the tree, not damage it. She doesn't want me to put any chemicals down as she's worried about her cat and has asked me to try vinegar, which doesn't work at all. I've also tried double sided tape and insulating tape, to no avail, I would really appreciate your help on this as the tree is much loved, but obviously I don't want to upset our neighbour either. Thanks and regards, Milly.

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