
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open


how to successsfully compost grass cuttings

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i want to plant colourful plants that will spread and grow to aheight of 2 ft or under the length of the thrench is about 50 feet and 25 inches wide something that will catch the eye

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I have alot of dandelions and daisies on my lawn, what can I do to treat this problem. On front section which is shaded by trees, the moss problem also seems to have gotten worse, is there anything I can do at this stage of year to treat?

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Im in a rural setting and many of my plants have long grasses growing up through the centre.This inhibits the growth and is unsightly and difficult to remove without damaging the plant. Is there a topical weed killer that I can paint on the grass with out harming the plant

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Hi, i recently moved into my 1st home there is just a rectangle patch of a grass(approx 2m x 1m) out the front that i want to turn into a nice flower bed i want 2 get rid of the grass, weeds etc and put some nice plants in that will take as little as possible to maintain etc. only thing is havent a clue where to begin what i use once i've dug it up (moss peat??)what kind of flowers to plant etc. any help would be greatly appreciated :--)

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Hi Gerry, I would like to grow some climbers (Boston Ivy or Virgina Creeper with Varigated Ivy ) to climb up a trelis and cover the front of a Garage wall.I will need to grow these in a timber rectangular box I intend to make.... question is... how deep would the box need to be for these climbers, I am thinking 18" deep by about 12" wide....would that be big enough to support these climbers ?... thanks !!

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