
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

I have a beech hedge planted about 1 year ago.What is the best type of weed killer to use and when is the best time to spray . If I top it will it thicken.
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Whats the difference between Round up and Round up pro Biactive. which is best as a general weedkiller?
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I have moss trouble on a bed with carpet spreaders – I just cannot keep the moss down. The spreaders are - Cotoneaster Queen Carpet. Potentilla, Genista Lemon spreader, Lonicera pileata I notice that you advise for lawns - ''To control moss, you need to apply sulphate of iron or lawn sand, between October and April and also apply lawn fertiliser in March and June.'' I constantly find myself weeding the moss from between the branches - it is smothering the spreaders . Can I apply the same medicine to my carpet cover bed ? Thanks and appreciate the help.
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your advice was to cut the stem ?? above ground, My Q1 is how low? also, to put teaspoon undiluted Roundup into each stem. Q2 should i spray the ground around the plant? i never use chemicals in my garden so i am wary of using some now. i'm unable to do this job myself so i need to give precise instructions.
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I have a laurel hedge which was planted in June 2010. The ground in which it is planted is a heavy clay soil type but I have a land drain running along both sides of the hedge and it is also planted up on a mound of soil which I got from digging the land drain so it is of the same type. This mound is also covered with weed block netting and I have wind block netting around the hedge also. Initially it done very well but this last few years it has gone backwards. The leaves are yellow in colour and the fall off quite easily. I have noticed on one area particularly that the leaves have gone soft and are drooping down. I have put chicken manure pellets around the base of some plants which does work in the short term but then the go back the same again. A friend of mine who works with the forestry seen it and said I need to put down “muriate of potash” as it seems to be lacking some nutrients. He also said that the cure can be worse than the disease so that has me worried that I could do more damage plus I am finding it hard to find a place that stacks it. So is there something similar to muriate of potash but would be safer to use?
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My hydrangea is in a large pot and the tips of the leaves are turning brown but the rest of the plant seems fine. The rose in the same pot is fine. What is wrong with the hydrangea? thanks for help.
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