
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

A few years ago we planted a cheery blossom tree about 5 foot from house but i have found out these can grow up to 25 feet, so i presume roots will go a lot deeper and spread. So i will uproot and replant but how far should i plant it from house. Or even a septic tank as was maybe going tp plant near the tank BTW tree has not really grown and is 4 foot and has very little buds. We planted two at same time and other one is the same. Any ideas?
316 views0 answers0 votes
I have a question regarding oak. The tree is already five years old and is growing in kind of bad place I wonder can I transplant the tree somewhere else, where it would have enough sun and more room.
79 views0 answers0 votes
I am involved in an Afforestation project and we will be growing trees from cuttings. As this is a mass plantation of trees we will need to store the tree cuttings for long periods as they wont be planted immediately after the cutting is taken. Hence,I was wondering what are ideal conditions for their storage so they can still effectively grow?
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I planted a healthy Viburnum Rhytidophyllum 1 month ago and leaves are turning yellow. No frost since planting, acid clay soil. I put plenty of my own compost and appropriate quantity of Blood, Fish & Bone in planting hole and watered well. Mulched with my own compost and watered when needed. Any advice would be greatly welcomed.
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leaves turning yellow, brown will they die.
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My Norway Crimson king has been stripped of its leaves in a few days. When i looked closer it was covered in caterpillar like creatures. There was what appeared to be hundreds of soft brown hatched eggs on the ground underneath the tree. Should i leave it to recover or treat with a spray?
220 views0 answers0 votes