
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

I have a 4 year old hydrangea which has blossomed each year pink so this year I wanted to change it to blue which successfully worked after adding colourant. what I did notice however was these beautiful blooms have fallen over onto the ground and doesn't look so good. Is there something I can do to prevent for next year. They seem top heavy but I have seen large bushes dotted around the country that don't seem to have this problem.
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I'm a bit new to growing herbs from seed but I planted some Basil, Rosemary and Thyme in small pots and placed them on my window indoors a few weeks ago. They seem to be going well but I'm wondering should I seperate the seedlings into seperate pots or just leave them develop in the pot together, there are quite a lot of seedlings now but I am afraid they may be a bit vulnerable if I start interupting them. I obviously have each type of herb seperate from each other so it is just a lot of the same type of seedling in each pot.

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My basil is being eaten away by something, I have put slug pellets down but I can't find what is eating it, could it be a spider?

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This years project is grow as many herbs as possible Only one failed me --Basil -- I tried seeds and I bought some plants but no luck ANY TRICKS iS IT TOO LATE TO TRY AGAIN THIS YEAR iS IT AN ANNNUAL PLANT ONLY Thanks kay

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Growing basil in a pot outside. Leaves are being eaten by some insect dont see anything .What should i do to stop this and pervent this happening?

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New to the world of seeds - I planted basil, pumpkin and squash in a seed tray and left in my glass house. The basil started to sprout within 7 days but now (day 10) there's no sign of it! The pumpkin & squash have not come up even though packet says they should within 5- 8 days. This morning, the temp. in the glass house was 37 degrees C and the seeds have been under cover. So is it possible that I've "cooked" the seeds and they're ruined?? Or am I just being impatient?

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