
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

I sowed peas and they have grown very well they are about 2ft high now but they never flowered hence no pods so what went wrong this never happened before
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This year I successfully grew several plants of Capsicum annuum ‘Heatwave’. They are huge and very healthy with lots of large dark green peppers. The seed packet described them as a mixture of red, yellow and orange cayenne peppers. There is no sign of any of them turning colour. Will this still happen? It seems to be getting rather late.
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I have sown 2 rows of beetroot seed in a raised bed and found it alarming that half of them disappeared overnight. Then I saw a few (arghh!) woodlice in the bed. How do I get rid of them?
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Hi, A tree (elderberry) in our garden is covered in an insect. It a old/mature tree and all the new growth has insects covering the stems of the leaves (see photos attached). Some of the older leaves are covered in small flies. Is this harmful to the tree and what action should we take? I am a complete garden novice.
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My white camellia flowered but now appears to be dying on one side of the shrub. There is new growth one side and the other shows curling and brown leaves.
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I inherited an untended 15 year old beech hedge and lopped them to 6 ft . Can I prune the branches which have grown untended back without loosing all of its foliage? Pictures attached.
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