
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "100620092"
We have just prepared a border along our driveway. It is about 100 feet long and about 5 feet wide. A mature white thorn hedge is growing at the back which screens the garden from the road. We just planted 10 silver birch trees in the border but the look is quite dark . Some colour is required. Could you recommend some shrubs and flowers to plant between the birch trees.
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I have some silver birch that have been doing very well. They are 2-3 years old approx. All of a sudden the leaves on one or two of them are turning yellow and another one is wilting. It is drooping quite badly - about 1/3 of the tree is hanging low. I watered it but it doesn't seem to have improved. What could the problem be?

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I have prepared a flower bed just at the front of the house, underneath a window. The flower bed's position can be quite cold. It does get full sun until about 2 0 clock approx but the wind from that easterly north-easterly direction can be very cold. The bed is 7 feet by 18 feet long. I would be very grateful if you could suggest some plants that would be suitable.

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Our house is a modern red brick dormer on an acre site. We are now developing the garden and have sown a lawn and planted some trees. The lawn is divided by a driveway up to the house. The look is very plain and uninteresting. Some planting is required. Could you recommend some plants that would be fairly easy to maintain and look well.

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I recently bought a cherry tree called Kanzan. Holes have appeared in some of the leaves and other leaves have turned brown around the edges. Could this tree be diseased or is there a bug attacking it?

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We recently planted around 300 metres of White Thorn Hedge on our property. It is about 2 ft in height and planted 18 inches apart. We were advised to prune it back to about 6 inches. Is this true and when should we do this.

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