
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "205201054"

I planted a Philadelphus (I think it's Virginal) about 3 years ago, in a sunny spot, neutral but good soil. It didn't flower at all in year 1, last year I got a single flower, and this year there's just a single cluster of five flowers on the whole shrub. It's very healthy and growing vigorously, I pruned it lightly after the one flower finished last year. Can you give me any idea why it's so reluctant to flower?

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I planted rhubarb in a shady patch of my garden last year, but moved it in spring to a sunny position once I learnt it needs a sunny location. There is a lot of growth on the plant now (end April) but all the stalks are green, and the centre stalk has gone to flower (it's about 4 ft high now). I'm wondering whether I should leave the plant alone to die back naturally, and hope to have edible stalks next year, or should I cut the flower stalk and / or some of the foliage now?

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