
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "220720091"

Lettuce plants growing nicely then recently at least four have 'flopped' and 'wilted' . When lifting off the leaves no roots attached just as though they have broken off at base. One plant looked perfectly healthy yesterday morning and by late afternoon it had 'flopped'. Slug bait all around, even egg shells as well. Have never had this problem before. Any suggestions as to what can be happening.

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Considering purchasing a garden composter, one that can be 'turned' daily by a handle on the exterior.Adverts say compost would be ready within about 6 weeks, how can this work if only one 'chamber' inside and each day new vegetation etc. would be added.

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One of our Photinina Red Robin- X Fraseri, has two or three unusual growths at the base of the branches as they go into the soil. Look like 'barnacles' but quite big about half a tennis ball size. They are 'stuck' to the brances and when we try to pull off no luck at all. The plant itself is ok does not show any sign of growth retardation. We have several of the same shrub on our boundary and no others are affected at all.

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A neighbour sprayed his grass verges on our boundary fence line with result we lost 2 perennials and our Joseph Rock Rowan tree was just bursting into leaf all healthy buds prior to the spraying. Result is that our tree has basically stopped growing the leaves and some buds have died, a few leaves have remained 'in limbo' so to speak. Is there any hope for the tree or will we have to replace it?

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