
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "261120091"

I have constructed a raised bed using concrete blocks about 500mm high, with sand/cement mix as an external finish. Do I need to line the inside of this wall before filling with soil to avoid later damp/green algal growth on the wall exterior and if so, what should I use?

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Can you advise on turf laying soil preparation and actual laying procedure?

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I have a "potato bag" and wonder if I can still plant some and expect a crop later this yearI haveno real ground space (apartment living) and would get agreat thrill t get any sort of crop.Any suggestions?

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I am planning a house move in July and would really like to bring a 25 year old Acer griseum with me. It is now coming into all its bark glory and I would hate to have to start all over again. Is it possible and if so do you have any recommendations on how and who might do this for me. Cork County region.

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In a proposed new garden there is no soil at all presently, just hardcore, stone etc, which will be excavated/moved to the required levels etc and then covered with fresh topsoil. I have access to as much good quality topsoil as I want with the additional option of manure etc as I need. Could you confirm the ideal topsoil depth for normal shrub, small tree, flower garden please?

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