
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "291120081"
Can you recommend some rhododendron for neutral soil, in some shade, fairly compact type?
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Our wallflowers are forming seedheads, should we leave them, collect them or remove them? Thank you. Harry bond

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The fruit/veg garden has been neglected for the past few years, raspberry canes have suckered all over ( var. Glen Clova). We wish to clear unwanted canes, keep the good ones and renew the garden for veg. and fruit. Advice needed on clearing/spraying and re-fertilising.Starting early October.

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Hi Gerry, part of our beech hedge, which is 4 foot high, is leggy, with few branches on the lower half. Can I cut this back to encourage branching, and when? Thanks, Harry Bond.

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Hi Gerry, we have a Tea tree about 6ft. tall, do we need to prune, when, and how much. It' the dark red flowered type. Thank you, Harry Bond

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