
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "60320112"

When is the best time to scarify a lawn?

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Put new lawn in end of August 2011 grass grew very well. However it is now full of small weeds - leave resemble nettles but much smaller and have a smal purple flower. So disappinted as we thought we had prepared ground very well - weedkiller etc. Can we use lawn weedkiller in April and then feed with spring lawn feed? For our other lawn can we scarify in the Spring? Thanks

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Can I take cuttings from purple beech and if so what way can it be done and will a cutting grow successfully.

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We used weedkiller 360 and burnt all lawn. Now the weeds have grown and we want to kill them before we sow our new grass. Will we use the same weedkiller 360 or can you suggest another type?

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As our lawn was full of scutch grass we sprayed the full lawn with weedfree 360 last September. Last week-end we raked off all the dead grass. Would we leave the lawn now until new growth appears and spray again? or what would you suggest.

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