
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "80720091"

I have a little patch of lawn at the side of my drive that i would love just to grow ground cover plants in. do i need to take up the existing lawn or can i sow the plants on top of it or will the grass just grow up through the plants.

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I have two Red Robin trees in pots outside my door which i bought in the summer. What do i need to do with them for winter to protect them from wind and frosts. I'm afraid they will get damaged.

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I sowed a eucalyptus tree in a border this year. I wondered if i can cut it back to shrub size as someone told me they grow very big and i do not want this to happen as the border is just outside my sitting room window.

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I have a cooking apple tree in my garden which is there for approx 80 years. There's a huge crop of apples on it but you cannot use them. They look perfect but they are very sour and no amount of sugar can sweeten them.

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