
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "adavoyle"

An unusual tree? Seems to be two species in one. Any idea what it might be.

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About 2 months ago I planted 196 potted laurel shrubs to form a hedge. All was well until 2 weeks ago when I noticed the leaves on 5 or 6 plants were being eaten as well as turning yellow then brown. These plants are now under stress. I have clipped any grass around the plants to try and help them survive.

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I replaced my outdoor Geranium which was killed by last years frost. My new ones thrived and bloomed all summer in a large pot outside my back patio door. In order to prevent a recurrance of last years disaster, I recently brought the pot into the kitchen and placed it beside the French Door window. Now, two weeks later, the plant is looking poorly, although the soil in the pot is moist (I water it weekly). I live in Roscrea and notice a neighbours potted Geranium is blooming in her front porch, which is protected with a glass door. I do not have a glasshouse.

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What is the cause and how do I prevent a black scum that has appeared on the leaves of a Bay tree?. I can remove it by firmly wiping it off with my finger.

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