
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "aep"

I reularly see a hedgehog in my large garden and i would like to set up a place that it might hibernate i am thinking of under a evergreen tree that is close to the ground would this be suitable and how should i make it?

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An old friend of mine has an apple tree growing in her garden and each year the apples are attacked by codling moth. Is there any way of preventing this preferably organic . She is talking of cutting it down

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I have got seeds of these plants. Are they annual or perennial? I will start them in propogator but would welcome any help with growing them and when I could expect to harvest. I have a tunnel if they need to be grown inside.

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I have a kiwi fruit vine growing in a pot in my greenhouse. It is growing very fast and i would like to prune it back. could you explain how to do this without losing all my fruit buds for next year. Last year was first year i had 3 flowers and 3 fruit this year lots of flower buds Thanks AEP

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