
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "aislingr"

Something is munching my Brocolli plants both those bought as plants and those I have grown from seeds. Doesn't seem to be slugs, cant see any tiny eggs or caterpillars although there are small tracks on the reverse of larger leaves? Might it be Vine Weevel although there are lots of big bits from the edges of leaves as well as the middle? The photos below give you a better idea, some of the larger plants have had whole leaves devoured while others have survived attacks, my seedlings are coming on and it looks like they will be victims as well 🙁

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Bought some type of brocolli/calabrese plants in a garden centre last June, put them down and didnt really give them any more attention. From about August onwards they started to give lovely crops of these small heads of broccolli, all through the winter until about mid December. Winter came and went and as you can see from the photo they are flowering again. Every time we harvest the heads, about 14 days later we have another great crop. (this photo was taken in mid Feb 2012). So just wondering 1) Should we expect a long season of this great crop? 2) Anything we should be doing to it to keep it going ? 3) Any idea of the variety/name so I will know it when I see it in the shops again?

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We planted an orchard of 27 trees, 5 years ago with a variety of native old Irish varieties native to the West of Ireland sourced from the Irish seed savers. The trees look well have plenty of leaves, have been pruned and fed, however apart from a small number of tiny apples on two of the trees, we would have expected to have apples by now. Last year in an effort to aid pollination we got two bee hives. Some leaves have brown marks on them, but reading other posts this appears to be wind scorching similar to marks on a lot of other trees in our garden. Are we doing something incorrect and is there anything we could do to encourage fruit next year? Also can you recommend a book for the back yard Irish orchard, any books we have found all refer to the UK and not specifically to Ireland and our unique climate?

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I have planted a variety of onions and scallions in a raised bed, the tips of some are going yellow, plus some bulbs are coming out of the earth. I pulled a few yesterday and it looks as though, if I leave the rest any longer the stem will grow even bigger and grow down into the bulb if that makes sense? Jopefully you can see what I mean from the photo. Does this mean they are going to seed/bolted, I should take everything out of the ground now, or am I already too late to store? Any tips to stop it happening next year?

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I recently got two fleece cloches in ALDI (the plastic ones were all sold out), in terms of what/how they protect against do the fleece cloches do exactly the same job as plastic or...

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