
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "bobbib"

I recently bought a house that has a mature gardens and it has 2/3 pears trees, I never took much notice of them but I saw last night that there is a few pears growing on them. When i looked closer I noticed that all/if not most of the leaves have got brown spots on them. Is this normal for this time of yr or have the trees become diseased. There is moss growing on the tree and branches but being an old garden most of the trees have it so I didn't think it was anything abnormal. There is also another moss like plant growing on them, it look for all the world like cigerette ash for far way and just flakes off when u pull at it. Shoud I try and treat the trees or is this normal? some branches have died and im worried this moss is destroying it. I have also noticed it on some of the smaller apple trees as well. If i do need rid what type of product would I treat the trees with. I really hate the idea of the trees dying

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We bought a property with a fab lawn but while we have been renovating the house the lawn has been neglected and now looks like a hay field. What is the best way to try and get it back to looking like an actual lawn. The lawn is acre size and the grass is currently about knee height, strimming and raking it will take about a week and cuz the lawn is so large its over whelming for someone with no gardening experience.

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