
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "bobbie"

I leapt upon your piece re seed potatoes just now... I have been dreaming about them ever since I had the worst scab on my Duke of York last year. In 2009, I got the most wonderful variety, called Accent. And I have been searching for Accent ever since. Any idea where I can get them? They will not send them from the UK. Also... am I right in thinking that I cannot plant potatoes in the area with scab for some years? What caused this?

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I'd appreciate any advice on harvesting my onions and potatoes. Spuds are Duke of York, and they have profuse foliage but few blossoms. (I have just read they are prone to blight! Ick!)Onions are poking their "shoulders" up above the surface, and looking very healthy - they are Red Baron and Sturon. The books say to wait til the onion foliage dies down, but a few have already produced seed heads, which I have snapped off.

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It is obviously too late now to save my Brussels sprouts and broccoli from the ravages of caterpillars. We used netting, but it was apparently not a fine enough mesh. But what about next year? I do NOT want to use the insecticides you suggest... a bit surprised that you did! Am always concerned about any poisons with food - but also fear their effects on non-target species... and the birds etc. which eat the larvae.

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