
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "bonstey"

I have grown broad beans for the first time they are now 5ft tall and have flowers but it looks like the little pod is all black at the end where the flower were, have they died and what can i do?

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I have grown onion sets put them in March the tops have grown to about 12" but the onions have not grown at all and feel very soft to touch as if empty inside, what have i done wrong can you help please?

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I have started some sweetcorn off in small pots in greenhouse now are 4" tall can i put them in bigger pots and how many can I put in?

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I have grown aubergines in the greenhouse they are about between 12" to 18" tall some have 2 or 3 fruits on them. Do i need to take off some of the top leaves and pinch the sides out? conflicting views on the internet. cucumbers i have are Fatima, what are male flowers and what are female and how to i manage these also.

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i am a beginner and started broad bean seeds off in the greenhouse, they are now 4" tall and looking well but they have got black shiny spots on the stems, the greenhouse has been heated, dont know what to do.

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