
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "bradc"
How do I propagate portugese laurel?I have collected seeds but some not fully ripe...
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What is the best way to control Box Blight? I have been using Octave and Eyetac 50 but it always seems to spread again. What can I do?

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After the recent cold weather, my phormiuns have gone all limp and floppy. Will they come back?I also have a large phormium. It is about 6ft tall and wide. It is completely overgrown and needs to be cut back. How much can I cut off it?Also is it possible for blight to affect a well established Box hedge. I have researched it and I'm almost 100% sure it has blight. What do I need to do with it?

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Would it be advisable to grow strawberries in containers to allow the runners to trail. I was recently told to use a barrel or something similiar so that the insects and slugs don't affect the crop when the runners are on the ground.Please advise Clare

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