
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "brianlanphier"

I have a laurel hedge in place since last year,about 300 metres.Some parts of it are thriving but one side which is very open to wind is lagging well behind. I have had a wind breaker in situ since they were planted but does not seem to have worked.The wind really batters the house and even though i hate leylandi it looks like i may have to plant some along this side to break the wind.Can you recommend how to get the laurel growing and a different type of hedge that will offer quick results for my dilemna,so i can have two options.

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I am going to plant a laurel hedge around my new house, it is very exposed to the wind on one side. I was going to erect a wind barrier{the green mesh}, along this side. how long will it take for this hedge to establish itself as an adequate shelter and is there any advice you would offer me. i decided on laurel as it is green year round and im not a fan of leylandi.

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i have just sown a new lawn 2 months ago,it is very patchy with lots of weeds like chickweed mixed through it.thistles are also a problem. i have cut it every week with the hope of killing off the weeds but they still the patchy areas i have applied more seed but the lawn looks very dirty.what can i do to rectify this?lots of people are telling me to give it a weed and feed, but is the lawn not too young?

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i have two bay trees in quite large containers outside my front door.i have noticed the leaves turning brown. they have only recently been transfered in to these new pots as they had outgrown the previous ones..they are around 5 feet in height.what can i do to rectify this problem.i replanted the trees in a mix of topsoil and peat.

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