
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "cal04"

i want to snip off some pieces of existing fushia shrub i have. is it too late to simply stick it in the ground, can i make a hedge out of it, if so, how far apart should it be set?

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Last year, I planted two outdoor impatiens(busy lizzie) plants inside as house plants, they grew fine. recently took 3 cuttings, they all grew. could i use these new plants for outdoor summer bedding for this year? Would they grow, should I aclimatise them first?

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I use Gypsophila in my flower arrangements, can you grow it in Ireland,also can it be bought in garden centres, I have never seen it,thanks

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Hi Gerry, I have two hydrangeas for about fiv years that have never flowered.I prune them,feed them and they look perfect except for being flower less.What am I doing wrong?Caroline

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Hi Gerry, I'm just wondering can I do the above,they are Coxs orange ippin and Apple Laxtons superb.Also how near do they need to be planted and when can I expect some fruit?Thank you

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