
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "camie"
I would so love to grow wisteria again (we had a superb one when we lived in Surrey), but have assumed that our location would not be suitable; we are on 3 acres of coastal property, with the house less than 200 mtrs from the cliff, so it's very windy. If I planted it on the north face of the house - the prevailing wind off the sea being south-westerly - do you think it would stand a chance? Of course, of all the facets, that's the least sunny...
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A proportion of our onions, last year and the year before, bifurcated, making them a real pain to prepare for cooking! We have very good soil which we feed with seaweed, compost and well rotted horse manure. No-one else in our local GIY group had experienced the problem or could suggest a cause. The red ones were not affected. We used different varieties each year - turbo, sturon and stuttgarter reisling (? spelling?).

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