
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "casakelly"

Hi Gerry, I noticed earlier in the week the damsons are starting to ripen, but some of them seem to have what looks like rust spots - could this be the brown rot - or do i need to do a little more investigating of the damsons?The trees were in the garden when we moved in 5 years ago and last year there was a bumper crop, this year there is a lot of fruit on the trees, but i am worried about the brown patches on them.If it is - what do i have to do at this stage?Kind Regards ,Lorraine Keely

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I am not sure if this is a problem - but here goes:

We planted a lot of tulips over the past two years in the garden and they are all fantastic specimens - even if we have to say so ourselves - especially after a trip to the Keukenoff Gardens in Amsterdam last year. These tulips are doing well.

BUT - several years ago we bought 100 each of red and yellow tulips in Lidl when they had them. Now - these specific tulips go in containers and are the only ones lifted every year. Last year a lot of them seemed to have crossed - i.e. red and yellow in some, and the other half was paranoid and burned some of them. Now the ones we have left are flowering - some of them are red, some are yellow, some are pink, yellow with a green back, and the colours do not seem to be as striking in others.

Is this clearly a case of tulip fire? Do we burn them all?

Or do tulips over time just fade anyway?

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I have read your answer how to get rid of moss, but I have more questions. My garden had lots of trees around it but they have been cut down, so now i need to deal with the ever growing problem of moss:

1. Do i need to areate or scarify the lawn beforehand?

2. Is it a good time to scarify the lawn now or have i left it just that bit late?

Thanks for the advice,


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