
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "cirymarr"

I planted my garlic in March of this year, and the plants are nearly 2 ft tall, with the leaves beginning to turn yellow. When should these be ready for harvesting? Most people seem to have planted last August/September, and am wondering did I plant my garlic too late?

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I have been growing 4 different species of chilli peppers in my greenhouse, in pots. Whilst I planted the seeds quite late (mid May, owing to the fact that I was building my greenhouse!), 3 of the plants have started to produce chillies.However, the leaves are withering a bit at the moment, despite keeping them watered, and there is no sign of whitefly/greenfly etc. The actual peppers look healthy enough.Any ideas what the problem is, if any, or is this usual?

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Hi Gerry, My wife just gave me a Vitis Boskoop Glory grapevine, that she bought in Avoca. I have recently built a greenhouse, that has a very sunny aspect - someone suggested to grow the grapevine outdoors, but to possibly trail the vine into the greenhouse for a higher yield of grapes. Have you any suggestions on the best place to plant this type of grapevine, and is the greenhouse idea worth doing?

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