
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "clair"

I wonder if you could have a look at these pictures of a strange growth on the lawn of our neighbours. It starts off as a yellow patch looking like slimy mucus, then it turns white and seems to swell up to a foamy consistency, it turns black at the next stage. It does not smell of anything and the grass underneath seems not affected so far. There are lots of patches variying in size from 10cm diameter to about 20cm. It looks awfull and we are worried it might be something nasty so we don't want it to spread all over.

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Hello Gerry,A couple of friends of mine and myself would like to know the name of this plant. We have looked in lots of books and at pictures but we can't agree on anything. I've attached a picture of it. Thanks for the advice on the cherries earlier in the year,at least I know it is not some serious disease causing the fruit to drop. We had some fruit this year, lets hope the pollination goes better next year. Thanks Claire

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Hi Gerry, I planted a cherry tree " Stella" 4 years ago and it is very healthy. Every year it has a very good crop but then the fruits dry up, shrivel and fall of the tree. This year there were about 10 edible cherries but even then they were not as plump as they should be.Could it be that the ground is to dry directly after flowering? We had no rain during the entire month of May this year and last year.Thanks Clair

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