
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "colmaura"
What are the ideal trees for a wet site? I have an area of about 20m x 15m which holds water and has a few hidden springs. Thought about draining but not sure if area can be drained its so wet!Do Laurel grow in wet areas also?
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I plante 2 Laburnums each side of driveway early spring and the problem is as on photo is that the growth on one is minimal. The other is in full bloom and looks great. The problem one has grown dwarf flowers and leaves. Will this have to be replaced or cut back to improve for next year?

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I am presently planting a bare root hedge and had sprayed the grass with Round-up and turned over the sod after it was burned away. Problem now is the clay is very wet and heavy after the rain. Will the beech survive in this clay with the level of saturation?I have drained the back of the hedging area but soil very sticky. I have 150 plants down and another 200 to go. I am storing the remainder in heavy clay also.Am i wise?

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