
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "coric"

My question is mainly whether the use of Mypex is compatible with a country style border - I am hoping for an (eventual) country border, where various plants spread to give an overall coverage within the border. If I plant them initially through mypex to minimise the maintenance, does that limit their 'spreading' capacity? I have in mind plants including lavender, bleeding heart, crocosmia, astilbe, etc.If you don't think mypex will suit my needs, can you suggest another means for reducing weeding in the intial years of establishment - mulch only, etc?

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We have two triangular shaped flower beds (approx 6 msq) as part of a new house build which are located in crevices between the house and footpath. That side of house is north facing. As a soil depth of more than 8 inches won't be possible (due to house foundation, etc), can you suggest suitable planting within this bed with shallow roots - ideally something low maintenance, perennial, purple/blue blooms and if any evergreen foliage possible?

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