
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "dannymac"

This is my first year growing parsnips. Is it true that parsnip canker shows itself on the leaves first as a redish brown colour then a yellowing of its leaves as this is whats happening to mine.

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A couple of my potato plants are suffering from a mosaic virus. I've since been spraying all my spuds with garlic extract to hopefully keep the aphids from spreading it! Is this enough or will I have to remove the infected plants? Also if I dont have to remove the infected plants will they produce good potatoes.

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I'm growing potatos for the first time and I fear one of my stalks may have leaf roll virus! What should I do and is this disease common here in Ireland?

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I've 2 rhodendrums in pots side by side, one is perfect and healthy but on the other one over the past few weeks has slightly lost colour and it's bottom leaves have gone yellow. They are well fertilized and seaweed extract added regularly. I've checked for grubs and there does'nt seem to be any present.

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