
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "daramurphy"

I bought a Dicksonia Antarctica in a pot of about 30cm diameter in late April. When I bought it, it had a few baby fronds emerging but these have since disappeared with the exception of one which hasn't really grown beyond 4 inches and is brown at the edges. I have kept in the pot so far and am doing everything I am supposed to by keeping it moist and in semi-shade. It was an expensive birthday present so I don't want to lose it!

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I grow on a balcony and am growing "Hestia" dwarf runner beans, as well as sweet peas in containers. Being members of the legume family, they will leave the soil enriched with nitrogen when they are finished in late summer/autumn. My question is how I can harness this enriched soil to grow plants in these same containers that will ideally give me some winter interest, either ornamental or preferably as food. As I have limited space, I would prefer something I can sow direct in late summer or autumn. The balcony is sheltered and gets about 4 hours of good afternoon sun in the summer and less in winter.

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