
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "della"

I got a present of an Orchid today. I don't know its name. It is in a plastic container and it looks to be set in bark. There seems to be about 3 rings of root at the bottom. Since its bark, the water will just run through. How do I know when and how much water to to give it?

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I have been following your advice and have taken some cuttings from geraniums which have got long and straggly. I have put them into a jam jar of water on the sill of the kitchen window. Should I have dipped them into rooting powder and put them into compost or are they ok as they are? Where should I keep them over winter? I could have about 15 cuttings, each about 2"long.

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I seem to have a good flowering red geranium at present. The leaves of this geranium have turned red. What is it lacking?

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I bought two White Hydrangea last July. I transplanted both into larger containers earlier this year using John Innes Multi Purpose compost. Now the flowers are becoming reddish around the edges & the leaves also. Should I use John Innes Ericaceous compost? If yes, do I remove all the old compost from around the root ball? I would like to keep the Hydrangeas in containers for another while.

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Last year our Escallonia hedge (in Wexford) lost all its leaves. It had similiar black spots to the Black Spot on Roses. I sprayed it with Dithane 945 as advised by a garden centre about 3 weeks ago when the new leaves were growing. Should I repeat the procedure or use something else. The new leaves seem to have spots again this year. The hedge is about 8 years old and about 6ft tall. I dont put any fertilizer on it.

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Are they one and the same thing? Recently found little groups within our house. Never had them before. Could they have come in with a plant (Candytuft)which I had recently bought? The plant is sitting on the outside path now!

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