
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "dick"
If you look at the picture I have on tomatoes you will see that the leaves are somewhat burnt .Is it a fungus?
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Hello Gerry, I got a present of a bird house last Christmas 12 months. Some time afterwards I attached it to the side of a tree in the back garden. While the birds including robins which are friendly come into the garden to feed no birds have used the bird house. It is about six feet above the ground, well sheltered from the cold winds and not facing the direct sun. It is intended for robins but none have used it.

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I have been growing potatoes in this garden since 1978. I have got good tields for some time but recently the yield is down a lot. I have found that the stalks wilt at a time when the the potatoes would normally be good. I have rotated them every year and have sprayed them with Dithane at times when Met Eireann told us that there would be danger of blight.A friend of mine said that it could be virus desease and so I have frequently got new certified potato seed. Could you help me here?

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I have got as far as you have given about pruning grapevines but you did not, it appears, show how to prune them.

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Hello Gerry,I was given a present of a vine about two and a half years ago. I was told to put the root outside the greenhouse and bring the rest of the plant inside. This I did. How long will it take before I can get fruit from it? Has there been an article in the IRISH GARDEN? I have almost every issue since it first came out.Dick Roche

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