
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "docc"

When this tree was 24 ins in circumference(trunk) I cut it down c.5 years ago. 7 smaller branches have grown back and are c.30 ft. high. The tree is 12 feet from front wall of the house..1) you think the tree could pose a problem to house foundations? 2) Is it possible to take a cutting of the tree and keep it in a pot?.....I ask you this assuming that I will have to fell the tree.

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I hope to pick onions from the garden for the first time during the week, and i am keen to know how best to store them. I would intend to store them in the garage.

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This years crop of cherries is the best ever,though I've never picked them before. How can I tell if they are edible type?The tree is green leaved with white cherry blossom in Spring, as distinct from maroon leaf type tree.I'm keen to pick and use them if edible. Secondly, the same tree is c.14 ft high, with c. 12ft.span , and I'd like to know how and when to prune it correctly.Many Thanks , DOCC.

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I'm hoping to prune a privet hedge this weekend ,but up until 2 weeks ago ,a very active wasps' nest was in the ground nearby.Should I assume they are now dead or would activity near the nest disturb them again?

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