
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "gerrie"

What soil depth is ideally required for a herb bed? I plan to move existing box hedging (is this a good idea) that is approx 9inches high and plant a variety of herbs. This is being dug out from existing gravel area with mixed hardcore.

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I purchased small celeriac plants from a garden centre and planted in raised bed. They grew very well - went to seed.... but when I went to pull them last week, there was a healthy root structure but no tuber to cook with? I pulled five .. but still have one in the veg. plot? What did I do wrong??

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as my cabbages etc are now maturing nicely is it safe to remove the netting covering the plants or are they still at risk?

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My pond has been dug and now ready for a liner... dimensions are 16ft x 11ft and 3 ft deep. Do you have a recommendation butyl vs. pvc. Have installed butyl in a Wicklow pond but is it really that much better than modern pvc 2mm thick?

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newly purchased Elstar apple tree - in pot - taken home and soaked in bucket of water overnight as it appeared very dry. Following day the leaves look curled and the new growth has wilted. The second apple tree 'braeburn' looks a bit sad also but the morello cherry tree looks fine - all 3 treated the sam way. Will the apple trees come around again? thx for your help.

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