
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "glwaev"
I have a yellow rose for about 25 to 30years which has produced lots of beautiful scented flowers every year. This year it did flower but not quite as much but now one large branch with leaves have turned a copper colour very quickly and the rest of it seems to be starting to go the same way. Could it be dying off altogether. I would hate to lose this plant. Is there a successful way of taking a cutting from it if it cannot be saved.
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I am getting rid of a flower bed which has alot of Geranium Endressii in it. I was just wondering if I sprayed them with a weed killer would it kill the roots also as there are too many of them to dig up.

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I have an Arum Lily that I separated and moved two years ago. Since then it has not flowered but looks quite healthy otherwise. Do you have any suggestions what I could do with it for next year?

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Hi Gerry. When is it suitable to prune apple and plum trees and about how much should you take off them? Thanks Breda.

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