
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "harrietc"

I planted a Chamomile lawn in spring and it has done really well. I trimmed it back in july but left some which flowered beautifully. I wonder now tho' what I should do with it now and in spring? IT has some weeds, which I will pull out but should I feed it, if so, with what? will it withstand a severe winter?

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I have planted snowdrops and hope to 'force' them to flower at xmas. Can this be done? If so, I have put them in a dark cool place but wonder if I should water/feed them, and also, when should I bring them into the warmth/light in order to have them flower for xmas.I have also planted baublets from my lillies (they were vey beautiful and healthy this summer) and potted them in a mix of compost and grit. I have also put a layer of grit on top of pots. Where shuld I store them - light/dark, should I water/feed them over winter? when shuld I plant them out? after frost? Thanks Harriet

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I have lots of lillies in pots and in the ground. They have largely stopped flowering by now and I am wondering if I should let the stalks die back naturally or cut the stalks. Would appreciate your advice

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