
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "hawthorn"

We have a beech hedge in front and back garden, it is covered in something like greenfly. At the moment cannot even trying cutting it, as there are millions of these flys on it. What would you suggest, we have tried spraying with suddy water, and spray to kill greenfly cannot remember the name of the spray, but because there are so many, nothing seems to work.

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My Plum Tree seems to have some sort of disease, towards the end of July, there seemed to be a lot of flies and wasps on the leaves, now all the leaves have little holes in them, the fruit have slits on them and there are flies and wasps eating them. Overall the tree looks unhealthy with the leaves wilting now.Also the beech hedge seem to be full of little white flies, and some leaves looked very black and dead now. What can I do.

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I have some wallflowers which are coming to the end of their flowering season, will they come back next year or should I dig them up and put in some summer bedding for colour. I have daffodils sown behind them.

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